
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Call of Duty Black Ops II

Call of duty black ops II is one of the best first person shooter video game. It was released on November 13, 2012 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox of duty black ops II is the ninth game in the call of duty franchise of video games, a sequel to the 2010 game call of duty black ops.

Black Ops II is the first Call of Duty video game to feature branching story lines, in which the player's choice affects both the current mission and in turn, the overall course of the story. Known as "Strike Force missions", these branching story lines appear during the 2025 story line and feature permanent death. The success or failure of these missions can have ramifications for the wider campaign story line. Choosing one of the missions locks out the others unless the player begins a fresh campaign.

One of the biggest changes added to multiplayer in Black Ops II is the introduction of Pick 10, a new system within the Create-a-Class menu. Pick 10 gives the player a total of 10 allocation slots in a class, which are used for guns, perks, grenades, etc... The player can choose to allocate the slots however they like, to either have more attachments for a gun, or more perks.

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